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Write for us

We want to hear from you!


European Guanxi welcomes submissions year-round for publication on our platform. Please send your submissions in Word document format to, with the key word “Submission” in the email subject. You can send us the full piece or a short 100 to 200-word pitch. Remember to include a short bio and your social media links in the email as well!







We accept submissions of the following types: 


  • Academic articles and op-eds: original research, analysis, or opinion pieces on topics pertaining to China, the European Union, and the relationship between them: international relations, economy, business, technology, media, history, language, culture, and more! We’re also interested in book reviews and interviews. These pieces should be between 1000 and 2500 words in length and use hyperlinks referencing.



  • Your experience studying/working abroad in China/Europe: if you have participated in an academic or work exchange between these two regions, we want to know more! Contact us using the email above and we’ll send you our questionnaire!

Before you submit a piece:


Please make sure to read through our mission statement and our guidelines. The best guide to what we are looking for, in terms of substance and style is what we have already published, so take a look at our blog!


Generally, however, article submissions should be clear in what they seek to discuss in the introduction and retain an analytic and fair narrative throughout. Facts and quotes should be referenced and their source should be made clear by having the reference included both in text and in the bibliography, as well as link when possible.

Remember to always make sure that the think tank, institution, person or media you cite is a trustworthy source for Chinese affairs and that it is not biased in its intentions.


Once we receive your submission, we will put you in contact with the member(s) of the editorial team assigned to revise your work on the basis of their thematic expertise, in order to ensure constructive feedback and informed editing. Edited submissions will be published only upon receiving the author's final approval.


Keep in mind that pieces published by European Guanxi are unpaid. We are a voluntary non-profit organization trying to help promising academics and writers get started.


Dealing with Sensitive Topics:


Ostensibly, when dealing with Sino-European relations, there exists a myriad of geopolitical and humanitarian concerns that one may possess. We will not reject submissions that elaborate upon these concerns that any individual may have, however in these circumstances it is imperative that the submission in question remains objective in any criticisms it may include. This is the standard expected of all submissions, but even more so when such sensitive issues are addressed.


Views expressed should be fair and sufficiently substantiated without acquiescing to sanctimonious moral posturing or perpetuating biased presuppositions. Thus, we ask that prospective authors consider in their submissions the arguments posited by the relevant entities concerned.

European Guanxi exists, among other things, to foster the amelioration of mutual understanding between EU member states and China and our submissions reflect this primary ambition. More on our objectives can be found here on our website.


 Pitch it!


Heard enough? Email us your pitch in word format to and don’t forget to add a one-line bio of yourself. 

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